
Register for Serendipity Workshop 2020 [Deadline: June 10]

No registration fee is required (i.e. free registration), and there is no cost associated with participating (i.e. no hotel, banquet, dinner(s), excursion(s), etc. at the workshop).

To register, please visit the following link and submit the registration form.

Cell cytometry

Poster Presentations

One of the major features of this workshop will be the poster sessions, where members can share their research by posting their poster in a single tweet. Discussion will follow in the form of Q&A tweets.

First, a participant (previously registered with the conference organizers) tweets a poster at the session start time. The session(s) the poster belongs to is identified by hashtags in the tweet. Workshop participants can retweet the post and ask questions about the poster, which the presenter will address. An example of a poster tweet is shown to the left, with an accompanying Q&A thread.

Poster presenters must register their presentations using the registration form above. Each presenter will tweet their poster during their session. After posting, the presenter should be available to answer questions during the allotted time, but should also interact with other poster presenters from the session. Presenters may get questions during the following days from the audiences from the sessions in both timezones. Only registered posters will be considered for prizes.

Cell cytometry

Keynote Talks

Another major feature of this workshop will be keynote talks, where invited speakers will give talks entirely on Twitter, via a series of tweets. Discussion will follow in the form of Q&A tweets.

First, the workshop account will introduce the keynote speaker, using the relevant hashtags. Then, the speaker will give his or her "talk" by sharing a series of tweets, each of which corresponds to a slide in a typical oral presentation. When the talk is finished, workshop participants can retweet the posts and ask questions about the talk, which the presenter will address. An example of a keynote is shown to the left.

Keynote speakers must register their talk using the registration link above. Each presenter has 30 min to present 12 tweets (280 characters each) and answer questions. Tweets can be prewritten and may contain images or GIFs. After the talks, the audience will ask questions via tweets. We recommend a balance of 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the Q&A to immediately follow the talk. However, once the conversation starts, presenters may get questions during the following days from audience from both timezone sessions.


Good Twitter Poster Design

A good poster for an all-Twitter conference will likely be similar to a good poster for an in-person audience. A good poster should allow a reader to pick up both the broad picture of the research as well as the key points of the work. Don't use too much text (especially small text!), and make the overall poster attractive. One cool feature about an all-digital poster is the ability to include moving images in .gif files!

For further reading, check out the following link about making good Twitter posters.

Top tips for Twitter posters

Using Twitter

Some of you may not have experience using Twitter. To learn the basics of Twitter, we recommend checking out the following.

Beginner's Twitter Guide
26 Twitter Tips for Beginners